Sunday, October 9, 2016

Causes of Digital of Divide

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           There are several major contributors to the global digital divide including differences in income, literacy, infrastructure, and even factors such as climate. As expected, the lower income developing countries have less access to the Internet. In countries where people worry about from where their next meal will come, internet access is less likely to be their major concern. Studies of the global digital divide often focus on both internet access and computer availability. Moves to expand computer availability to developing third world countries will help increase access to broadband and can thus help reduce the global digital divide.

             In order to bridge this Digital Divide, global organizations are making long-term investments to collect and distribute technological devices and teach people how to use technology.  Organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and other not-for-profit organizations are working toward closing the gap between the digital and non-digital worlds. On-line organizations and bloggers, such as "Bridge The Digital Divide," contribute to the efforts to diminish the Digital Divide by providing online sites where people can donate computers and volunteer to help.

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